The main aim of the study is to find out the effects of domestic violence on performance of students in public secondary schools. The case study was conducted in Lekki, Lagos State. Chapter one entails the background of the study which has grounded out the negative effects of domestic violence generally in our society as a summary of literature review. The statement of the problem clearly states the research gap that is how domestic violence is negatively affecting performance, well defined purpose of the study research questions, delimitation and limitations of the study. Chapter two entails important findings briefly described from previous research studies. Chapter three presents the methodology used by the researcher which entails; research design, location of the study, target population, sampling techniques, research instruments, reliability and validity of the instruments. The sample design used by the researcher is both qualitative and quantitative because the tools used are both numeric and non numeric where a sample of fifty secondary school students were drawn from the target public secondary school population in Lagos State and six teachers from the teacher population from the two sample schools. The researcher used observation schedules, questionnaires and focus group discussion in gathering data.